The jury’s decision for the May selection of the residency in Dresden is in. This fall, Modesta Gorol will be working at Grafikwerkstatt Studio. Congratulations!
The jury’s decision for the May selection of the residency in Dresden is in. This fall, Modesta Gorol will be working at Grafikwerkstatt Studio. Congratulations!
Entering its third year, the renowned Magic Carpets artist residency program, hosted by the Wrocław Institute of Culture, is set to delve into the vibrant tapestry of urban existence with its upcoming theme, “Big City Life.” This eagerly anticipated season promises a creative exploration of the fast-paced rhythm, diverse encounters, and unique narratives that define […]
One of the most important threads of the international project “What’s next?”, co-created by the Wroclaw Institute of Culture, is the creation of a safe space for reflection, especially in the current international situation. A thread naturally emerged in our minds connecting the above issues with Barbara’s most important and popular program, “The Dissapiring City”.
In an exciting development for the art and creative community of Wrocław and Lower Silesia, Kinga Bartniak, a distinguished visual researcher, graphic designer, and STEAM educator, has been chosen for a prestigious three-month residency in Košice. The residency project “Practices of Care” received an overwhelming response in total 12 applications from artists and creatives interested […]
In a recent jury meeting at the Wroclaw Institute of Culture, two outstanding individuals were chosen to participate in the pilot research and networking artist residency called Out-of-doors. Scheduled for September and October, this residency promises to be an exciting exploration of grassroots initiatives and post-artistic projects.
A residency and exhibition at the gallery of the Icelandic Association of Graphic Artists in Reykjavik, a trip to the International Festival of Photography and Visual Arts in Portugal, a series of networking visits to institutions and artist-run estates foundations in New York – these are just half of the projects that will be supported […]
Celebrating nearly a decade of artistic collaboration between Wrocław and Dresden, the annual residency exchange for graphic artists continues to foster creativity and cultural exchange. Supported by the Departments of Culture of Lower Silesia and Saxony, along with key cultural institutions, the 9th edition promises another enriching experience for printmakers.
Networking activities conducted by the Wrocław Institute of Culture are not always visible on a daily basis – meetings with local and foreign partners, phone calls and emails, conferences, debates and presentations are not spectacular. At the same time, these local, national, and international contacts are often the starting points for our support and competence […]
It was the second year of the operation of the Wrocław Institute of Culture, and it was a year full of changes and challenges. It turned out that change is in our element – it allowed us to operate outside the box constantly. Constant are also the four pillars of our Institute. One of them […]
AIR Wro, an international program of the Wrocław Institute of Culture, has announced as many as three calls for projects supporting artistic and research cultural practices! You can apply for a residency in Kosice, Slovakia, implement a research-networking project about grassroots initiatives in Wroclaw, or get financial support for cross-border projects.
Multimedia images generated by sound, interactive 3D prints and digital art transferring the poetry of urban spaces into a virtual environment – feel invited to an intermedia exhibition of Laura Adel’s objects, which is a creative summary of the artist’s individual and workshop work during the month-long MagiC Carpets residency. 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 is a look at […]
Together with our partners from Proto produkciia (UA) and Gabriela Tudor Foundation (RO), we have great news to start the New Year! We are presenting the profiles and ideas of three individuals who will participate in a double research-collaborative art residency in Bucharest and Wroclaw as part of the European project “What’s next?”. Who were […]