Sarah Steuer – resident of the Grafikwerkstatt in Wrocław

Celebrating nearly a decade of artistic collaboration between Wrocław and Dresden, the annual residency exchange for graphic artists continues to foster creativity and cultural exchange. Supported by the Departments of Culture of Lower Silesia and Saxony, along with key cultural institutions, the 9th edition promises another enriching experience for printmakers.

Zdjęcie dwóch osób leżących na przeszklonym dachu. Fotograf stoi bezpośrednio pod dachem, który oprócz szkła ma także czarne wsporniki ukłądające się w kratkę.
Meet the winning projects of Culture of Mobility 2024

A residency and exhibition at the gallery of the Icelandic Association of Graphic Artists in Reykjavik, a trip to the International Festival of Photography and Visual Arts in Portugal, a series of networking visits to institutions and artist-run estates foundations in New York –  these are just half of the projects that will be supported […]

We know the results of the February call for Micro-Grants!

After several days of committee meetings, we already know which projects will be implemented in the spring in Wroclaw. Exploring the history of ethnic minorities and the oldest “Wroclaw villages” together, bicycle trips, playing chess and, finally, close encounters with nature – there are many great neighborhood events waiting for us in the city this […]

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