
Spatial intervention with Teresa Stillebacher and Aesthetic Athletics+ in Wrocław

We are launching the next residency of the international MagiC Carpets network! Wroclaw Institite of Culture will be visited by the Austrian architect, Teresa Stillebacher. The artist plans to build a spatial pavilion in one of the Nadodrze district courtyards and invite the residents of Wrocław to participate in a spatial intervention in the form of an open kitchen, common cooking, meetings and conversations around one large table.

all.cake.all.night: DINNER 01 | 14.09 at 6 pm | grand opening of the artistic PAVILION | open kitchen, common cooking and neighbourhood dining
JOIN US | free entrance

part I – building the pavilion

The first step is to collect construction materials (unwanted, forgotten and lying around in houses, balconies or basements), which will last until the end of August. With the collected items, Teresa, in collaboration with her friends Aesthetic Athletics+, will create a spatial object in the Artistic Courtyard HART hostel at 25 Rydygiera Street in Wrocław. What materials do we need?

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Collecting building materials that can be used to build an architectural pavilion. Here are some examples, we are happy to accept:

➝ structural timber, plywood, planks and beams,
➝ insulation materials,
➝ paints, varnishes and all kinds of finishes,
➝ construction tools,
➝ nails and other fastening materials.

How is the open call going?

  1. Contact us by sending an email to: and write what you have to donate.
  2. Deliver the materials to the Klub pod Kolumnami (21 Mathews Square by the date agreed with us)

part II – collective action and local cooperation

Teresa Stillebacher will come to Wrocław with Austrian collective, fellow architects and lecturers, Aesthetic Athletics+. However, before they begin construction work and assembling the Pavilion itself, the artist will meet with members of the Habitat NOW science club (a thriving student group at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Technology) on the occasion of a ceramics workshop. This collaboration will be crucial – unique vessels will be created as the foundation of the all.cake.all.night project. The meeting will also be an opportunity to talk about how to use the collected building materials for the construction of our spatial object. Supporting the processing of second-hand objects will be local expert in this field – Tytus Presiński, author of the project.

part III – DINNER 01 – common cooking and neighbourhood dinner

On 14 September at 6 p.m. in the Pavilion in the Art Courtyard of the HART hostel (Rydygiera Street 25a), we invite neighbours (closer and further afield, all Wrocław residents) to cook together, talk and dine at one big table (link to event).

Our culinary and art event all.cake.all.night is intended to be functional and easily accessible to all, and to act as a communicator in the city for a diverse and heterogeneous prototype of the possibilities of urban life. People who would not normally meet each other will get in touch and share ideas about their personal food culture. Everyone who takes part in the project will be invited to share their recipes in one large book, which will be complemented by documentation of performative events in various media, such as collected drawings, photographs, texts, and photogrammetric scans of landscapes. Admission is free and participation is free of charge, anyone interested in spending time together is welcome to attend.

“A dish cannot be created without a variety of ingredients. Each contributes to the flavor of the prepared dish. The table, in turn, does not work without community. Eating alone is no fun. Even more so cooking just for yourself in solitude. No one seems to get a tomato head who sews someone’s finger when they are cut off. We ask ourselves: who actually sieves the soup when they don’t love it?”

“Everyone is invited, everyone can be absent. Maybe we get a Michelin star or throw up – the most important thing is that we do it together.” – Teresa Stillebacher, artist in residence.

But that’s not all! The continuation of the Austrian artist’s residency will take place in October – more information soon.

All events are free of charge and will take place in the newly established PAVILION at the HART Hostel Art Courtyard at 25a Rydygiera Street in Wrocław.

About the artist [pl]

Teresa Stillebacher studied architecture in Innsbruck. Her interdisciplinary practice combines architecture, performance art and interventions in public space. She lives and works in Innsbruck and Vienna, and since 2018 she has been running her own studio (, where together with Lino Lanzmaier she develops and implements projects in various fields of architecture, from interiors to urban space design. She is a senior researcher at ./studio3 – Institute for Experimental Architecture in Innsbruck, and her research interests focus on multidisciplinary 1:1 projects.

Wrocław Institute of Culture is a partner of the international MagiC Carpets platform co-financed by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme, bringing together over a dozen cultural organisations. Teresa’s residency took place thanks to the collaboration between WIoC and Openspace-Innsbruck.

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