

A city-wide programme to support grassroots local initiatives, it allows the residents to implement their ideas for social activities in Wrocław. We organise three open calls per year – you can submit your proposals in February, May and September.  

The programme was created in 2014 as part of the preparations for the celebration of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016. It has been operating in its current formula since 2018, from the merger of the microGRANTS ECOC Wrocław 2016 and the Wrocław Small Initiatives Fund and the Youth Civic Budget of Wrocław, run by the Umbrella Foundation in 2017. Until the end of 2021, Culture Zone Wrocław was responsible for individuals and informal groups within the programme, but from February 2022, the Wrocław Institute of Culture has been in charge of the entire project.  

Microgrants are divided into three paths. On this page, you will find information about the path we run for individuals and informal groups. If you are looking for information on the other two, look for them here: NGO Microgrants and Youth Microgrants. 

The goal of the programme is to enable people to acquire and develop the skills necessary to effectively impact their city, and to lead grassroots initiatives with the local community, as well as to encourage creative discussion and exchange of ideas with an emphasis on social diversity. 

Who can apply to the Microgrants and what ideas are we looking for?  

We welcome a wide variety of ideas, from cultural animation, recreation, social activation, education, all arts-related, and other culturally creative proposals to the programme. The most important thing is that they involve the residents of Wrocław neighbourhoods in joint action! It is vital for us to support those who are just beginning their adventure with this type of activity. The programme is open to adult individuals and informal groups of individuals (over 7 years old) with an adult representative. Importantly, it is not necessary to have a registration of residence in Wrocław – it is enough if you want to operate within its borders.  

Decentralisation is an important factor in Microgrants, so we encourage you to organise events outside the strict centre of Wrocław, i.e. the Old Town neighbourhood. We actively build networks among various representatives of social life and map initiatives that share common goals and include similar activities in different or the same areas of the city. 

The maximum amount of financial support for a single project is PLN 5,000 gross. In addition to this amount, you can count on our support in organisational matters such as administrative, legal, logistic or promotional activities. 

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